11 ideas for a special weekend for two
Do you feel that you are stuck in a routine as a couple and you don't know how to get out of this situation? When you find that your evening meetings mainly take place on the couch and necessarily involve Netflix, it's the perfect time to put some salt and pepper in your relationship and do something different. We're talking about adrenaline-filled zipline experiences, hot air balloon rides, an almost magical experience, dinner at sea, discovering the artist in you and much more... So forget about the "dinner and a movie" routine and read on to find out some of...
11 ideas for a special weekend for two
5 unique and creative ways to give an experience gift
Experience gifts mean much more than the usual gifts and materials that you give every time you are invited to an event. Experiences give you the chance to give your loved ones a special gift: unforgettable memories, instead of material objects. Obviously, you could simply print the experience voucher and give it to the recipient in a card, but what would be the charm of this special gift? Such an extraordinary gift deserves to be offered in an equally extraordinary way! Be inspired by the 5 unique ways to give an experience gift, which you will find below and which...
5 unique and creative ways to give an experience gift
10 tips for planning a perfect surprise party
If you have ever participated in a surprise birthday party, you probably remember the anticipation and excitement of the organization. It is a fantastic experience for everyone involved, including the guest of honor. When it comes to planning a surprise party, the details can seem a little complicated. First of all, make sure that the party would not be upset about a little trick followed by a big surprise. After that you can move on to organizing work. To help you, below are 10 tips that will help you plan the perfect surprise birthday party. 1. Choose a "team" of...
10 tips for planning a perfect surprise party
Why do we celebrate birthdays?
If you're still going to spend a few thousand lei for a five-year-old's birthday party, maybe it wouldn't hurt to ask yourself: why do we celebrate birthdays, exactly? Where did this extravagant tradition begin? In today's society, we keep track of birthdays and a large part of what a person can or cannot do is related to their age. For example, we go to school at the age of 6, we drink alcohol legally at the age of 18 and we can get our driver's license then, and at the age of 35 we can run for the presidency. But...
Why do we celebrate birthdays?
9 special gift ideas for men for their 40th birthday
Are you looking for a perfect gift for a dear man in your life who turns 40 and you have absolutely no idea what could delight him? You don't know what you can buy for the one who already has everything he needs and even more than that? It's true, it may seem extremely difficult to shop for such a person and to successfully find a personalized gift that will truly mark such an important milestone in his life. But we have the perfect solution for you – a unique experience gift, chosen from a varied range of activities such...
9 special gift ideas for men for their 40th birthday
The psychology behind gift giving
On the surface, a gesture like giving or receiving a gift may seem like something simple, but for many people giving a gift can mean a lot of headaches, stress and even a state of anxiety. The type of gifts you give says a lot about the relationship you have with the person receiving the gift, just as the fact that you forget to give a gift to a person who values gifts in a romantic relationship can create a lot of problems for you . Gifts can be the main way you show your love - the main language...
The psychology behind gift giving
12 types of massage and their benefits
What is a massage? There are several types of massage that focus on different body parts or healing approaches. Massage is a practice that includes rubbing and kneading movements of the body, using the hands. During the massage, a massage therapist will apply light or strong pressure to the muscles and joints of the body, to relieve pain and tension. A massage therapist is a person trained and qualified to offer massages. Below are the different types of massage and which one might be the most suitable for you. 1. Swedish massage Swedish massage is a light type of massage,...
12 types of massage and their benefits
8 reasons to try flying with a hot air balloon
Flying with a hot air balloon is an unforgettable experience, which not many people have the chance to enjoy. So, if you have the opportunity to do it, stop thinking about it! You will not regret. Hot air balloon flights are generally in some of the most beautiful places in the world, with amazing natural landscapes and different ecosystems. It is a real privilege to be able to observe such places from high in the sky, and the experience is priceless. If you also have all kinds of special experiences on your bucket list that you would like to check...
8 reasons to try flying with a hot air balloon
The 14 essential types of climbing
Climbing or climbing is an activity practiced all over the world, and due to its popularity, many types of climbing have been invented, for various reasons. Most people think that there are only two or three types of climbing: rope climbing, bouldering and rock climbing. But there are many more methods and types of climbing than these, some quite similar, and others truly unique. With the clues that you will find below, you will find out how these types of climbing differ from each other and you will be able to choose the one that attracts you the most. If...
The 14 essential types of climbing
13 creative ways to wrap an experience gift
If you are looking for a wonderful alternative to another pile of gifts consisting of material objects, experience gifts are the solution for you! Beyond the fact that they will help you prevent clutter in the house and unnecessary crowding, experience gifts are a fun way to bring adventure into the lives of the people you love. Experience gifts are wonderful gifts that will help you fulfill special wishes of the dear people in your life. But how do you wrap an experience gift? If you already know what you want to give someone, you can use these creative ideas...
13 creative ways to wrap an experience gift
Pastila de ras: tratament de weekend
Pastila de ras: Gura maaare! Simt ca saptamana asta am fost toti putin cam...seriosi, asa ca mi-am propus ca azi sa scoatem corsetele, sa slabim curelele, sa scoatem rasul ala zgomotos de la naftalina si sa ne hahaim impreuna relaxati. Caci, doamnelor si domnilor, e vineri si e timpul sa fim neseriosi! Acum, la unison sa zicem: Aaa! pentru pastila de ras. Ce iti propun exact? Sa punem cap la cap o lista cu lucruri tampite care ne fac sa zambim, sa chicotim, sa jubilam, sa radem pana ne dor muschii fetei. Pastila de ras efervescenta in pahar de weekend...
Pastila de ras: tratament de weekend
7 reasons why gifts are important in a relationship
The frenzy of gifts makes us think how a simple act of giving can have a huge effect on an individual and on a relationship. Below is how important gifts are in a relationship and especially why. Are gifts a recent trend? The answer to this question is clearly no. This custom has always existed. For example, if we think of our grandparents, it is possible to imagine them as those mysterious lovers, always gallant, always with a rose in their hand. Our parents are somewhere in the middle. Not too old-school, but not too daring either, they know exactly...
7 reasons why gifts are important in a relationship
12 things you didn't know about paragliding
The first thing anyone should know about paragliding, or paragliding, is that it is an incredibly intense experience! Even for those who have problems related to the fear of heights, the feeling that a paragliding flight offers once you have launched yourself from a hill or a mountain or from any kind of terrace and you are in the air, will be life experience! If you really want to try a paragliding flight, but for various reasons - maybe fear, maybe emotions, maybe prejudices... - you never dare to do it, below are some interesting things about paragliding, which you...
12 things you didn't know about paragliding
Cum organizezi un weekend romantic
Cel mai important lucru atunci cand te gandesti sa organizezi un weekend romantic este sa te asiguri ca ideile tale sunt in concordanta cu ceea ce amandoi considerati a fi romantic. Pentru unele cupluri romantic inseamna resorturi all inclusive la malul marii, in timp ce pentru altele romantism inseamna o cina la restaurantul unde au cinat pentru prima data impreuna sau doua bilete la un meci international al echipei preferate si apoi cazare la un hotel elegant. Desi exista retete de weekend romantic care functioneaza pentru majoritatea cuplurilor, vei obtine maximum de satisfactie pentru cuplul vostru daca incerci sa personalizezi...
Cum organizezi un weekend romantic
5 ideas for a romantic weekend with your partner
When you love, you would give anything to the person next to you. And the moments spent with the loved one are more precious than anything. Some of the most beloved experiences as a couple are those when you plan a vacation together just for the two of you: a place to discover together, while discovering... each other! Weekends for two are the most awaited moments of the week. It would be a shame not to turn every end of the week into a romantic weekend, in which you can shake off all your problems and charge yourself with energy...
5 ideas for a romantic weekend with your partner
March 8 gift for EA
March 8 gift: the gesture that excites We quickly passed the Martisorului celebration, maybe because the sun stubbornly hides behind the clouds, and now we are preparing for another day dedicated to the representatives of the fair sex. There is probably no one left who does not know that at the end of this week is their day, that of their mothers, wives, sisters, friends, coworkers, the day when they should be celebrated, pampered, complimented, and last but not least, surprised with more or less expensive gifts, but still precious. :) I would like to talk a little about these...
March 8 gift for EA
Se anunta un cer cu nori
Cine se sperie de un cer cu nori? Nu stiu ce va inchipuiati voi cand priveati cerul in copilarie, insa in capul meu norii erau un fel de personaje fantastice care luau cam ce forme scormonea imaginatia mea. Si acum mi se intampla destul de des sa ii privesc pe simpaticii pufosi si sa mi-i inchipui dragoni, printi, printese, flori si alte buruieni, vata de zahar, extraterestri si tot neamul lor de fapturi nemaivazute. Un cer cu nori sau... cer(ne) cu nori Un cer cu nori nu e un cer trist, nu e un cer care sterge zambete ci e un cer...
Se anunta un cer cu nori
Cele 7 pacate sociale de la Gandhi citire
Cele 7 pacate sau...”cele sapte gafe pe care societatea umana le comite si care cauzeaza toata violenta”... ...asa le numea Mohandas Karamchad, cunoscut de o lume intrega ca Mahatma Gandhi. Publicate in 1925 in Young India si inmanate in 1947 nepotului sau, Arun Gandhi, cele 7 invataturi sunt asadar printre noi de ceva vreme, insa nu prea au reusit sa treaca de timpan sau de ochi, pentru a ajunge in sufletele noastre. Sa vedem care sunt ele si sa le lasam sa le lasam sa treaca prin filtrul mintii, doar pentru a le depozita pentru totdeauna in inima: Cele 7...
Cele 7 pacate sociale de la Gandhi citire
Vreau sa fiu actor!
Ce tare, si eu vreau sa fiu actor! Povestea mea incepe in urma cu cateva luni, cand m-am inscris la un curs de actorie, nu pentru ca vreau musai sa devin actrita ci pentru a-mi dezvolta in primul rand abilitatile de comunicare, de relationare. Nu de alta, dar obisnuiam sa fiu usor zgarcita la acest capitol. La cursul cu pricina am dat de un grup maricel de oameni foarte simpatici, pusi pe fapte mari. Caci, desi nu prea recunoastem, cam toti am avut macar o data in cap acest gand: Cum ar fi sa fiu actor/ actrita? Dar stim oare...
Vreau sa fiu actor!
Putin limbaj formal intr-o lume informala
Limbaj formal in scop informal Ne cerem scuze, iertare, multumim, facem declaratii de iubire, ne plangem de multe ori cu ajutorul celor mai nepotrivite cuvinte. Motivele pentru care nu prea mai stim sa ne exprimam le voi lasa deoparte, caci nu ele ne intereseaza acum – oricum, cei mai multi dintre noi le cunoastem bine. Asadar, ne trezim ca prescurtam, taiem, ciopartim cuvintele si frazele in niste exprimari banale si lipsite de continut. Pentru aceasta boala crunta propun astazi un tratament (sau antrenament) pe care il gasesc extrem de interesant: putin limbaj formal pentru o serie de „ocazii” de exprimare....
Putin limbaj formal intr-o lume informala
Modele de machiaj inspirate din povestile Disney
Modele de machiaj sau povesti pe ploape Cineva a zis candva ca “The Creative Adult Is The Child Who Survived” si tare mi-a placut vorba asta! De ce? Pentru ca, daca te uiti in jur la cei care reusesc sa aduca un strop de culoare in viata lor, dedicandu-si timpul liber unei pasiuni, indiferent care e aceasta, vei vedea ca ceea ce au in comun este faptul ca au reusit sa pastreze vie acea sclipire a copilariei. Iar Katie Alves este una dintre aceste persoane, care a transpus cele mai frumoase scene din desenele animate Disney in… modele de...
Modele de machiaj inspirate din povestile Disney
Calatori prin lume de…23 de ani
Suntem calatori prin lume... Cu totii suntem calatori prin viata, insa cati dintre noi suntem calatori prin lume? Este infiorator cate pretexte materiale putem gasi pentru a justifica faptul ca nu incercam sa descoperim lumea: timp putin, bani si mai putini, obligatii de toate felurile.... Cati dintre noi nu s-au inchipuit calatori prin lume, cati dintre noi nu au desenat cu mintea pe miniglobul pamantesc de pe birou traseele pe care aveau sa le urmeze de-a lungul vietii? La mine visul dateaza din copilarie si acolo a ramas, pana acum. Din fericire insa, mai exista pe pamantul acesta, oameni ale...
Calatori prin lume de…23 de ani
Carti de aventuri sau lectii de curaj uitate
Carti de aventuri luate de pe rafturile copilariei Cand eram mica devoram carti de aventuri si eram sigura ca unicul motiv pentru care nu puteam trai si eu aventuri ca eroii din carti era legat de conditia de copil, cu programul inca facut de parinti, orele de somn ce trebuiau respectate etc. Copilita de mine nici nu putea sa conceapta ca atunci cand o sa „creasca mare” nu o sa treaca macar prin cateva dintre aventurile eroilor din acele carti de aventuri in care disparea din fotoliul ei preferat... Ei, de atunci au trecut ceva ani, fotoliul a fost inlocuit,...
Carti de aventuri sau lectii de curaj uitate
Ai incredere in tine, e simplu!
Atunci cand nu ai incredere in tine… …nici ceilalti nu au. Gandeste-te: tu te poti baza, cu adevarat, pe o persoana care nu este sigura de propriile forte si care a depasit de mult timp limita modestiei, pana la un nivel minim al stimei de sine? Sa ai incredere in tine este un lucru mare, dar usor de obtinut. Si ce daca ai anumite complexe? Toti le avem, important este cum le depasim si cum ajungem sa ne iubim si sa-i facem si pe cei din jur sa ne iubeasca, iar vestea buna e aceea ca e chiar…foarte usor! Iata...