Unde poti sari cu parasuta in Romania si cat costa?
Ai visat mereu sa zbori? Ti-ai imaginat cum ar fi sa te arunci din avion si sa simti doar vantul in timp ce plutesti deasupra pamantului? Acum, visul tau poate deveni realitate cu un salt cu parasuta in tandem! Scurta istorie a saltului cu parasuta Primele salturi cu parasuta au fost realizate la sfarsitul secolului al XVIII-lea, cu scopuri militare. Abia in secolul XX, parasutismul a devenit un sport de agrement, accesibil publicului larg. Primul salt cu parasuta in tandem a fost realizat in 1981 de catre Bill Booth si Jim Downing. De atunci, aceasta modalitate de a experimenta senzatia zborului...
Unde poti sari cu parasuta in Romania si cat costa?
10 tips to overcome the fear of skydiving
Do you dream of flying in the open sky, but are you petrified by the fear of jumping out of a plane and falling into the void? If you also ask yourself "how can I overcome my fear of skydiving?", you should know that you are not the only one who feels this way. Parachuting or skydiving pushes the limits of your comfort zone and forces you to overcome your fears like nothing else can. The only things that help you overcome your fear of jumping and enjoy the freedom that jumping gives you are the appropriate mentality and preparation!...