Totul despre schiuri. Manual de initiere pentru incepatori

All about skiing. Initiation manual for beginners

There are a considerable number of ski variants on the market, all designed for a specific style of skiing. From skis for beginners and allround skis, to competitive downhill skis, it is good for any beginner to know all the elements related to the composition and characteristics of a pair of skis, so that he can be initiated with the equipment he will use. There are many more aspects related to skis than it might seem at first glance. Below are some explanations of what each part of a ski does and what properties it has, as well as how...

All about skiing. Initiation manual for beginners

Top 10 beneficii pentru sanatate ale schiatului si snowboardingului

Top 10 health benefits of skiing and snowboarding

Winter is the perfect time to start a heart-healthy activity and lose some of the unwanted pounds you put on here and there on vacation. Now is the perfect time to take action, without going into hibernation at all in the cold season! Take your family and go to the parts of Valea Prahova or to other parts of the country or even to other destinations, for an outdoor workout that makes your heart beat faster and that, beyond beautiful landscapes and fun , it also offers you some serious health benefits. Because the current times require it, before making...

Top 10 health benefits of skiing and snowboarding