Top 10 beneficii pentru sanatate ale schiatului si snowboardingului

Winter is the perfect time to start a heart-healthy activity and lose some of the unwanted pounds you put on here and there on vacation. Now is the perfect time to take action, without going into hibernation at all in the cold season! Take your family and go to the parts of Valea Prahova or to other parts of the country or even to other destinations, for an outdoor workout that makes your heart beat faster and that, beyond beautiful landscapes and fun , it also offers you some serious health benefits.

Because the current times require it, before making your vacation plans, we recommend that you contact the destination where you want to go, to make sure that it is open to tourists, that they have accommodation space, that they respect the protection measures specific to the era COVID-19, that the slopes for skiing and snowboarding are open, that you have equipment rental centers, means of travel on the slopes, as well as areas where you can drink a tea or a hot chocolate.

Don't forget the restaurants in the resorts either, because no vacation is a vacation when you eat sandwiches in your room!
If you manage to book your perfect vacation and are ready to hit the slopes, here are the benefits you will enjoy with the help of skiing and snowboarding.

1. More calories burned

Skiing and snowboarding are excellent cardiovascular exercises that can help you and your family members burn serious calories and shed extra pounds. The number of calories you burn per hour is based on your weight and fitness level, but according to the Harvard Medical School, a person who weighs 85 kg will burn 266 calories in 30 minutes of downhill skiing.

Beginners can get extra calories burned by going up the slope, instead of using the ski lift. As for advanced skiers, the steeper the slope, the more calories they will burn, because the body has to work harder to maintain its balance. Believe it or not, the cold weather also contributes to the burning of calories, because the body is forced to make more effort to raise its temperature.

2. Strengthens the muscles of the lower body area

This winter, he takes training from the gym directly to the game. Skiing and snowboarding seriously target the muscles of the lower body. Skiing naturally keeps the body in a squatting position, which strengthens the quadriceps, hamstrings, calves and glutes.

Snowboarding also works some muscles you probably don't use as often, such as your ankles and feet, which are involved in movement to help steer the board and maintain balance.
Because you will be distracted by the beauty of the surrounding area or too focused on going down the slope, you will not notice how much your legs burn, but you will definitely feel the results the next day!

3. Improve flexibility

The art itself of balancing and tensing the trunk and key muscle groups during skiing and snowboarding makes the body more flexible. It also contributes to the reduction of dislocations and sprains. Snowboarding particularly improves flexibility, as it requires frequent and quick changes of direction and avoiding slips.

As in any sport, it is recommended that you have a stretching routine before going on the track. It is also welcome to do some stretching afterwards to avoid injuries.
A regular stretching routine, which focuses on the basic muscle groups, will strengthen the abdominal muscles, obliques and hips, groups that you use in alpine skiing.

4. Involves the muscles of the trunk

Keeping the body upright, either on skis or on a snowboard, requires some serious balancing and concentration skills. It is not easy to stay constantly on a slippery slope while making your way along the route.

Because you have to constantly maintain your balance, you will force the muscles of the trunk to work intensely and permanently, which improves the muscle tone in the abdomen and the general resistance of the trunk.
Skiing and snowboarding test both your balance and agility, helping you avoid slips and falls as you get older.

5. Improves mood

Movement in the open air promotes an increased production of endorphins, which leads to a feeling of liberation and happiness. In addition, winter sports offer families time together in nature, extremely important moments in winter, when the days are shorter and the time spent with the family is reduced.
Regardless of the duration and frequency with which you do this activity, skiing and snowboarding are extremely beneficial not only for physical health, but also for mental health.

6. Improves proprioception

Proprioception is the ability to feel the position of different parts of the body and the effort required to move them. In other words, when you raise your hand to the face, with your eyes closed, you still know that your hand is there, even though you cannot see it. Skiing involves quite a lot of balance and coordination and you have to be aware of the many movements and easy positions of the body, if you want to ski well and stay upright. Proprioception weakens with age, so the more you are involved in proprioceptive activities, the harder it will decrease.

7. Strengthens bones and joints

Your knees have to support the tension and weight of your body, when you turn and descend with fast movements, so while skiing you actually strengthen your knees as well.
In addition, the bones become stronger due to the impact of the weight on the legs. So, when you feel like you're skiing and having fun with your family and friends, you also manage to prevent knee damage, keep osteoporosis at bay and increase your proprioceptive capacity.

8. Favors deep sleep

After you have tried a new sport, be it skiing or snowboarding, you will feel exhausted in the most pleasant and beneficial way, especially since we are talking about sports that engage your whole body. After you've spent good hours playing, we guarantee that you won't waste time scrolling through all the social networks, plus YouTube, before going to bed and that you won't stay up late at night. You will put your head on the pillow immediately and enjoy a good night's restful sleep.

9. Promotes healthy eating habits

In the morning, before a long and intense day on the field, you need to charge yourself with energy. Breakfast is absolutely mandatory! At lunch, you also need to refuel, and at dinner you need a recovery meal. Thanks to skiing and snowboarding and the serious effort you make on the slopes, you will naturally be more aware of your nutrition: you will need to consume more protein, healthy fats, less sugar, more fruits and vegetables, for starters.

10. Winter sports give a sunnier look

A day spent on a hill or on a snow-covered mountainside, surrounded by the authentic beauty of nature, will make you forget the stress of everyday life and the daily hustle and bustle. You will also benefit from exposure to vitamin D, which will help you get rid of seasonal affective disorders and improve your mood.