How does a hot air balloon fly?
Have you ever wondered how a hot air balloon flies? Or why are hot air balloons so big? Or how do the balloons keep the air inside if they have a hole at the bottom? Well, now is the time to get the answers to these questions! Have you ever wanted to fly like a bird and soar high in the sky? Do you think it would be fun to soar high and see everything from above? Even if it is very unlikely that we will grow wings and be able to fly on our own, we can still have...
How does a hot air balloon fly?

The hot air balloon – the story of the multicolored flyer
The hot air balloon is French in origin On September 19, 1783, the scientist Pilatre de Rozier launched the first hot air balloon, called the "Reveillon balloon". The passengers - a sheep, a duck and a rooster - managed to stay above the ground for 15 minutes. The first "human" flight attempt took place two months later, on November 21, this time the passengers being Joseph and Etienne Montgolfier. The hot air balloon was launched from the center of Paris and flew for 20 minutes. Two years later, in 1785, Jean Pierre Blanchard and the American co-pilot John Jefferies became...