7 scientifically proven ways to calm your mind when you are stressed

Life's challenges and unexpected situations are what usually make us feel overwhelmed and stressed. When we experience unusual situations, it is possible to feel a mixture of strong emotions that can be unpleasant and uncomfortable. How we deal with stress is important for overall well-being and, because the emotional and physical sides are inextricably intertwined, we can take advantage of some simple, but research-based, ways to relieve mental stress through physical means.
Caring for your own body can calm the mind and emotions and make us more resilient. Moreover, regular exercise can banish feelings of stagnation and lethargy that can be associated with stress. Physical activity can keep us alert, focused and full of energy.
Signs of stress
It is possible that some people cannot identify stress, even if they are already facing its symptoms. Therefore, the first step to get rid of stress is to know if you really experience it and what is the reason behind it. Self-knowledge is the key before following healthy ways to adapt and support your mental well-being.
The signs of stress are a combination of physical and emotional aspects. Here are the main ones:
- Acne and distrust.
- Headaches, chronic pains, body aches, stomach problems and skin rashes.
– Feelings of fear, shock, anger, sadness, worry, numbness or frustration.
– Changes in appetite, energy, desires, libido and interests.
- Difficulties related to sleep or nightmares, difficulty concentrating and making decisions.
- Aggravation of chronic health problems.
– Diseases that damage mental health, such as depression.
Scientifically proven ways to relieve stress
Physical activity is important in relieving stress. And the idea is that you don't necessarily have to create some rigorous routines. Realistically speaking, it is quite difficult to get up and go to the gym when we feel stressed. Intense movement requires positive emotions such as motivation, especially if you are not a physically active person in your usual daily activities. So things will be all the more difficult if you're stressed, right? Therefore, below are the best and simple scientifically proven ways that you can easily use wherever you are.
1. Walk for a few minutes
Walking is an easy and recommended activity whenever you feel stressed. In general, walking has physical and mental benefits, such as improving mood, facilitating positive affect, reducing anxiety and improving creativity.
A study suggests that brisk walking and meditation can improve mood even if you do it for just 10 minutes. These results were observed in an active group, compared to an inactive control group after the research experiment. A single period of brisk walking or meditation can provide appropriate strategies for improving the mood of young adults.
Another research found that walking can promote the release of endorphins, the hormones of happiness in the body. Walking can stimulate relaxation and increase the feeling of well-being. Unlike the research mentioned above, this study does not necessarily recommend walking at a fast pace; simply walking or taking a walk can relieve stress. It is up to you, therefore, to decide what is more suitable for you, because both types of walking can be beneficial for your mental state.
Using walking to deal with stress has additional benefits. Besides the fact that it improves your mood and gives you the much-needed dose of sunlight, brisk walking has significant positive effects on cardiovascular health. It can regulate your circadian rhythm and build vitality and endurance of the heart and lungs.
2. Scalp and hair massage can work wonders
The fatal effects of stress on health are well known to many of us. The good news is that the human body has a system that helps it manage stress and recover from stressful episodes - the parasympathetic nervous system. You just need a little push and a few massages to solve the problem.
Relaxation is an excellent way to eliminate stress, and one way to do this is through scalp and hair massage. The parasympathetic nervous system is activated when you have a massage, because your body relaxes. Research shows that there is a scientific evaluation of the effects of massage on stress relief. The researchers pointed out that short periods of relaxation can have regenerative effects on a psychological and physiological level, and these effects are even clearer with a massage.
Therefore, experiments have confirmed that just a few moments of relaxation can help a person manage stress. In addition, a relaxing massage, either on the scalp or on the hair, is all the more important as it activates the parasympathetic nervous system and alleviates the physical and mental effects of stress.
3. Perform the spinal twist posture
There is no need to have any special training in yoga to do the pose of gentle twisting of the spine. The idea is to make a complete and free movement of the spine, which can help you recalibrate your central energy channel. This posture is a restorative position that can remedy the pain and tension that accumulates in the back muscles when you are too stressed. It contributes to stretching the muscles of the lumbar area, especially the spinal rotators and the quadratus lumborum.
By slightly twisting the spine, it is possible to feel a slight relaxation and the release of muscle tension. This posture can stimulate digestion, create balance and also open and relax the muscles of the chest, shoulders and back.
4. Stretch your body for 10 minutes
A few minutes of stretching to relax tense joints and loosen stiff muscles can contribute to the release of physical and mental tension. If you have been sitting all day, stretching will be a perfect solution for your body. You can easily stretch your muscles to feel rested and relaxed, either when you wake up, immediately after work, or before going to bed.
10 minutes of stretching can reduce muscle tension, thus canceling the cycle of tension, tension and pain. Research has shown that stretching contributes to increasing the level of serotonin - the hormone that helps stabilize mood - reduces stress, makes you feel good in general and generates positive feelings, causing a decrease in depression and anxiety.
5. Adopt a more open body position
Embracing an upright, open position can relieve back muscles—including arms and legs—from stiffness and pain. In addition, a vertical posture instead of a hunched one can expand your lung capacity and help you breathe more efficiently. It can also give you more energy and stability throughout the day.
Moreover, the benefits of a correct posture go beyond physical capacity, having mental advantages as well. Research shows that standing straight in a chair and leaning your chest forward can give you a sense of self-confidence. Adopting an upright position when you feel stressed can maintain your self-esteem, reduce negative mood and boost positive mood, compared to a slumped posture. Also, the vertical position determines an increased rate of speech and a reduced concentration on one's own person.
6. Organize a spa day at home
When we think of relaxation, we cannot help but think of a spa center. Stress can be reduced when you are relaxed and comfortable, so a spa day at home can be a good way to relieve stress.
You can take a salt bath using magnesium sulfate or what we commonly call Epsom salts. Dissolving Epsom salts in water releases magnesium and sulfate ions that can contribute to reducing inflammation and soothing painful joints. Research shows that Epsom salts can help stabilize mood, relieve stress, and reduce anxiety and depression. Other voices also claim that taking magnesium increases the production of serotonin in the brain.
Ayurvedic medicine believes that salts, including sea salts and Epsom salts, can be used for cleansing purposes in a physical and energetic way. In addition, a salt bath can also be a relaxing way to eliminate the negative energy you have acquired from other people and to reconnect to your spiritual center.
7. Follow a consistent sleep pattern
Sleep is essential to allow your mind to rest and relax. If you don't sleep well, you may not enjoy enough energy and peace during your waking hours. Lack of sleep can lead to serious mental and physical health problems. It is associated with many chronic health problems, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney disease, diabetes, stroke, obesity and depression.
Following a regular sleep schedule can help you improve your sleep hygiene and have a more balanced mind. Since sleep works in accordance with the circadian rhythm or the body's internal clock, a regular sleep pattern ensures that you will maintain this rhythm. Adequate sleep can calm and restore your body, improve your concentration, regulate your mood and sharpen your judgment and decision-making process.
Also, when your body and mind are well rested, you will solve your problems more efficiently and cope with stress brilliantly. On the other hand, when you don't get adequate sleep, your energy and mental clarity can be reduced and diminished.
Stress can significantly affect longevity, and chronic stress can even shorten life span. There are many situations in which serious health problems started from a simple state of stress, which became chronic due to the inability to deal with it properly.
Some people cope with stress by consuming alcohol, smoking or eating excessively, all of which are warning signs that can lead to serious health and lifestyle problems. The seven scientifically proven ways mentioned above are the most effective and healthiest ways to deal with stress.
Source: https://longevity.technology/
Image source: freepik.com