Tehnici de seductie, dincolo de cuvinte

Techniques of seduction...for women

One of the oldest arts is... the art of seduction. If men mostly use words as seduction techniques , through compliments, statements, clever jokes or various other verbal techniques, well, we, women, use completely different seduction techniques. We rely on subliminal seduction techniques, subtle techniques but sometimes so strong that the targeted do not know what "hit" them. ;) Body language, gestures, attitude are the first things that attract a man's attention and for this reason they are used as seduction techniques by so many representatives of the fairer sex.

Seduction techniques...unspoken secrets

However, there are many young ladies who do not yet know the power of these seduction techniques , a power that can turn them into little "witches". Let's learn, therefore, to "spell" together:
  • The look: It is said that the eyes are the mirror of the soul and that they manage to transmit messages without voice. An intense gaze can become irresistible, an indisputable example being the geishas, ​​whose seduction techniques were based on the gaze. For modern women, it has become very easy to transform their look into an irresistible one, with the help of makeup. Long eyelashes (helped by mascara), the black outline that gives intensity, perfectly arched eyebrows are just a few techniques of seduction with the help of the eyes.
  • Lips : They must exude sensuality and, nowadays, even thin lips can appear voluminous, naturally, also with the help of makeup. The color of the lipstick is also important, so it would be advisable not to choose very dark or unnatural shades. Red always wins... ;)
  • The smile: Because seduction has also been studied by specialists, it seems that many of them agreed that on the scale of seduction, nothing is stronger than the smile. But not just any kind of smile. In order to be included in the category of seduction techniques, the smile must be a slow, half-drawn smile that lights up the face but at the same time hints at something...
  • Body language: Body language involves all the gestures we make, and the ways in which we can seduce using gestures and body movements are numerous. An extremely effective method of seducing with the help of the body is dancing. So girls, if you want to be real conquerors, you have to learn to move... to the rhythms of the music.
  • Attitude There are gorgeous, intelligent girls who manage to attract attention but not capture it... And the attitude is mainly to blame. Confidence in yourself sometimes weighs a thousand times more than the way you look. If you feel good in your own skin, you will exude an irresistible energy around you, just be careful not to gather too many admirers... ;) Attitude is one of the most powerful seduction techniques, used by men as well.

Nonverbal seduction techniques: they open the way for words

Now that you have piqued his interest, all that remains is to discover the things you have in common, with the help of words. He will probably be the one to speak because, as I said above, men are different wizards, wizards of words. What seduction techniques do you use?