O seara romantica in doi – ghid esential pentru reusita

A romantic evening for two - a desire...remaining

Since when do you dream of a romantic evening for two? Be honest! And when I say " a romantic evening for two ", I don't mean watching a movie with a bowl of popcorn in your arms or a juice in an overcrowded terrace in the city, but I mean that romantic evening for two... perfect, which has the power to revitalize a relationship that entered monotony too early or suffocated by daily worries. Well, what would it be like?

And yet... every time you wanted, in one way or another, to implement this long-deferred dream, something else intervened: it was a friend's birthday, you were supposed to visit your parents, but it was not I know what a great match... pleasant events but which, unfortunately, made you forget about the two of you.

And what if it's Monday? Love cannot be scheduled, and a romantic evening for two is exactly what you need to rekindle it. So, if today you arrive earlier than he/she at home, here is what you can do to enjoy a perfect evening:

Useful tips for a romantic evening for two:

- If one day you decide to implement your surprise plan for a romantic evening for two, how can you make sure that your partner will not make other plans for those hours, not knowing what awaits him? Simple: keep the surprise and increase the suspense by slipping a note with a small clue in his pocket, in the morning.

- Create a suitable environment : move something in the house to make more space, light the scented candles, buy some flowers and freshen up the room, choose romantic music (original!) and, most importantly, turn off the phones, unplug the TV, close the intercom and stop the ringing!

- Cook something special ! Even if you come home from work hungry, you have to take into account the fact that a romantic evening for two is not made up of roast pork and fries. I know you don't have much time to cook, but try to make something easy and yet special and don't forget to include at least one ingredient... aphrodisiac: asparagus, basil, ginger, lobster, oysters, strawberries, figs or chocolate.

- If after all this effort you can (and must!) dress up, choose an article of clothing that you know your partner likes a lot, put on the perfume you wore on your first date , do your hair like this how he likes it (even if you think it doesn't look good on you at all) and wear something from him, even if it's a chain or a simple hair clip.

- Evening surprise : a romantic evening for two, to be like the book, must contain a surprise element. Whether it's about your song somewhere at the end of the evening, a dessert you know he loves, a fortune cookie or a special wine, these small details matter enormously and leave no time for...monotony. - Once your partner has presented himself at the "scene of the crime", make a pact - on this special evening, topics such as: work, worries, problems or strangers will not be brought up . It would be ideal to talk only about yourselves, to remember beautiful moments from your life as a couple, to make plans for the future, to discover something new about your loved one...

A romantic evening for two - impossible?

If you know that one of the things above cannot go well, if there is a possibility that uninvited friends will appear, if you simply do not have time for so many preparations for a romantic evening for two or if you want to change the setting, surprise them a romantic evening for two in a special place, such as an intimate restaurant, with an exotic character and with a decoration as if made for lovers.

At least once in a while, you deserve such an evening where you can be treated like royalty and rediscover your love! ;)