How to determine your lover to be romantic?

A poll carried out in the United States in 2004, sponsored by TV personalities Phil McGraw and Oprah Winfrey, revealed that 94% of those interviewed believe that romantic gestures - including handshakes and flowers offered - are the essence of the definition of love. It can happen, however, that some men are not romantic at the beginning of the relationship, or on the contrary, that their inclination towards romance decreases over time...
In order to make your boyfriend or husband romantic, you generally need to be direct and tell your loved one exactly what you want and need, and then build a romantic relationship together.
Step 1
Talk to your lover and tell him what your needs are related to the relationship between you. Tell him openly that you feel that your relationship has become monotonous and that you need a little more romance, more intimacy and more emotion. Do not blame him for the shortcomings in the relationship, but rather try to use sentences and statements that convey something about you. When you start a statement with "I feel like...", rather than with "you always..." or "you never..." or "you make me feel like...", the person in front of you will be more willing to listen to you and to get to build together. In this way, you will succeed in obtaining a constructive attitude, instead of a defensive one or ready to start a fight.
Step 2
Describe the things that seem romantic to you and be explicit. If your idea of a romantic evening means drinking a bottle of wine together or eating something prepared by your loved one, tell him and he will know what to do. If for your soul it is a pleasure to nestle on the couch and watch a horror movie together, tell him that too! You can even make a list and put it on the fridge, so that he can always remember what you find romantic and cute.
Step 3
Do with the exchange in the organization of romantic evenings. But it is not necessary to make a strict plan, with whom organizes the romantic evening on Monday and who does it on Friday, for example, because this will have exactly the opposite effect: it will kill the romance and destroy the dose of emotion and the unknown that both you need. But talk about it from the beginning and make him understand that both of you can take the initiative from time to time and surprise the other with gestures and outings that are as pleasant and romantic as possible. It is important that you both make romance a priority in your relationship, whether romance in your view is a walk on the beach or an elegant dinner at a new restaurant.
Step 4
Plan romantic activities together. If you've always wanted to make love on the beach, plan a vacation somewhere at sea, either here or in other countries. If you like to bathe naked in thermal springs or rivers, you will find a location specifically intended for romantic couples. Create moments of romance by planning comfortable and pleasant evenings, day trips and intimate vacations for two.
Step 5
He acts romantically spontaneously. Leave your lover a romantic note on his pillow, write him a love letter that he definitely doesn't expect, bring him breakfast in bed especially on weekends or buy him a gift just to you say "I love you". If you will increase the frequency of romantic gestures, there are chances that he will follow your example.