
Caving in 2

The Apuseni Natural Park houses approximately 1,500 caves, many of which are in the national and even international speleological top. Give your friends who are in love with each other and both (or at least one of them) with speleology as a gift, a different way out, a visit to one of these caves - a memory for life!

  • Apuseni mountains

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Caving in 2 - discover the underground world!

People are very different. And they do well! Nothing new in this... The novelty consists in the kind of gifts you can give now, for all tastes, for all kinds of friends. And for those who love the underground world, we come with "Caving in 2". It will be just the two of them, the guide and the cave!

3 variants from which you can choose the Speology in 2 gift

There are 3 caves that we recommend for the gift you are about to give:

1. Cave of the Old Man

It is one of those caves suitable for a first interaction with speleology. It has both large galleries and narrows, areas where you have to climb, many formations, an underground water course and diverse cave fauna. The cave is found in the village of Gugu. It is close to the town of Şuncuiuș, more precisely on the karst plateau of Batrânului, on the north-eastern slope of Dealului Crucii.

2. Barsa Cave

Barsa Cave is also called Barsa Ice Cave because of the glacier that was found at the entrance of the cave. During the summer, however, there is no ice, only mud. The couple of cavers will go down the entrance, then visit a beautiful room. Much of the cave is developed on an underground river, but it also has dry galleries. There is even a vertical pit, 6 meters high, and very close a waterfall consisting of two levels. This area is very beautiful, the waterfall being developed on a white rock. The vertical pit and waterfall can only be lowered with cables and special equipment. The cave also has places where you have to climb, it's not hard but not very easy either. This trip is good practice for people who want to go caving.

3. Ciur Ponor cave

Ciur Ponor cave is one of the most important caves in the Apuseni mountains. It is found in the Padurea Craiului Mountains, a subunit of the Apuseni mountains, in the Rosia de Beius area. The development of the cave is over 20km. The cave runs along an underground river. The entrance area was developed in the form of a tall and slightly narrower gallery. At the end of this gallery we reach two underground waterfalls, one of them being bypassed with the help of a current hand (similar to via ferrata routes). At the base of the second waterfall, voucher beneficiaries will cross the main underground river of the cave. Along this large gallery, your caving friends will see many stalagmite formations. The tour is aimed at sporty people, with good physical condition.

*the displayed price is per package, per couple and includes entrance to the cave, guide, transport, per diem and equipment

Caving in 2

Minimum age:18 years

Recommended attire: sport clothes

Venue:Padurea Craiului mountains, sub-unit of the Apuseni mountains

Period of development:April 15 – October 15

Duration:3-5 hours (varies depending on the experience and physical condition of the participants)

Voucher validity:6 months

Programming:at least 14 days before

Number of participants:2

Equipment provided by the supplier:Helmet with light, speleology suit, speleology harness, rope descent and ascent device, safety lanyard, rubber boots


Please note that, although we strive to ensure that the information about the activities displayed on our website is correct and up-to-date, some data may be modified. Due to this fact, we recommend that you discuss with the supplier before carrying out any activity. If you need more information or have questions about an activity sold by, please contact our customer support team. The information and photos are provided for personal use only and may not be reproduced in any way without the prior consent of Magazin Cadouri Perfecte SRL.

Caving in 2

Caving in 2

813,00 lei